Dustin Yellin's Monumental Works Explore the Way Consciousness Forms and Arrests Itself

By Derek Peck
Dustin Yellin Photography by Derek Peck
NEW YORK---Dustin Yellin has long rejected the traditional parameters of artistic education and development. His works are momentous in scale and ideas....Yellin’s work is varied and vivid. Starting first with oil on canvas, he has experimented with many mediums, his works growing and expanding in the real world in correlation with the concepts he aims to portray. The Triptych, an epic 12 ton amalgam of glass, paper and acrylic, took a year to make, and portrays the artist’s multifaceted view of the world and the universe, seething with unknowable forces, “overflowing with joy and disaster”, and his new works are on a similar – if more fragmented – scale. "I'm concerned with the way consciousness forms and arrests itself. These figures dramatise and literally encase, freeze, and hold, in a mesmerised abeyance, this cultural process." [link]

SCAD Museum of Art: "'The Triptych' by Dustin Yellin," (Ends June 8); 601 Turner Blvd, Savannah, GA; (912) 525-7191; scadmoa.org

Dustin Yellin, "The Triptych," Feb. 7-June 8, SCAD Museum of Art, Experimental Gallery. Presented as part of deFINE ART 2014. Photograph by John McKinnon. Courtesy of SCAD.
Triptych detail, panel 1
Triptych, panel 2
Triptych detail, panel 3