U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Behalf of Marriage Protections for Gays

Rev. Martin Luther King's chief aide was Bayard Rustin, a Black & Gay Quaker
WASHINGTON, DC---The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a central part of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act today, ruling that DOMA’s Section 3, which denies legally married same-sex couples the federal protections and responsibilities triggered by marriage, violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution. In a separate case, the court ruled that the sponsors of Proposition 8, which stripped same-sex couples of the right to marry, had no legitimate interest in prosecuting an appeal over the objections of state officials. The decision means that the trial court ruling striking down the law stands, restoring the freedom to marry in California. [link]

"Let Freedom Ring, The Wedding Bells" (2011) by Tom Torluemke